Is a luggage X-ray machine dangerous?

Are Xray machines dangerous? This is a question many people ask when learning about high-tech security solutions. In fact, Xray machines are used in airports, border gates, industries, factories, and warehouses with high detection properties. Join Matrixcope to find out detailed information about this product!

Is a luggage X-ray machine dangerous?
Is a luggage X-ray machine dangerous?

What are X-rays in an Xray machine? Is it toxic and dangerous?

X-rays are essentially electromagnetic waves of radiation and have penetrating properties, so they are widely used in industry, medicine, food, and metal detection. When hearing about X-rays, many people feel concerned about its safety.

So what are X-rays in an Xray machine? Is it toxic and dangerous? The answer is No. Because the X-rays in the Xray machine are designed at standard energy levels, they are highly safe. In addition, with the design of high-end X-ray machines and new technology originating from the US, Germany, etc., it is even safer with a tight, highly secure design.

What are X-rays in an Xray machine? Is it toxic and dangerous?
What are X-rays in an Xray machine? Is it toxic and dangerous?

X-Ray machine is a machine that examines dangerous objects. The machine uses a small amount of X-rays to illuminate the item to be inspected, using a computer to analyze the transmitted rays and the object’s properties. Then, images simulating dangerous items will be displayed prominently on the screen (based on color distinction). Everyday items will not display.

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The machine is not harmful to digital products but is very harmful to the human body when exposed to X-rays. However, the X-Ray machine and lead curtain can ensure that X-rays do not leak Go outside to avoid danger.

Application of Xray rays in industry

Security X-Ray machine is a machine that can scan items and goods inside luggage thanks to the application of advanced technology, thereby checking and detecting dangerous materials and banned substances such as weapons. gases, explosives, drugs,… cause harm.

  • Security check areas such as: Airports, border gates, Embassies, train stations,…
  • Check goods at industrial parks, factories, seaports…

Is using an Xray machine dangerous for food?

Xray machines are widely used in industry, not only to detect metal ores but also to screen for foreign objects in food production. To find out whether using an X-ray machine is dangerous for food, we still have to consider the characteristics of the X-rays in the X-ray machine.

The characteristic of an Xray machine is that its rays can penetrate intact objects to see what’s in them. Therefore, there is no need to open the goods or impact the food to check. The machine can detect many different types of impurities in food including bone, metal, steel, glass, rubber, plastic, banned substances,… in general, harmful foreign objects that should not be in products. .

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Is food going through X-ray machines at the airport contaminated with radiation and dangerous?

As analyzed above, the influence of X-rays in the XRay machine is completely absent, so it is extremely safe. And certainly not radioactive, unless you buy a machine of poor quality, without documents and the machine does not guarantee safe conditions. Scanning food or any product is very safe for both the product and the user.

A reputable and quality supplier of X-ray machines to scan luggage and goods

As society develops and grasps the increasing need to ensure security for airports, industrial parks, and seaports, Matrixcope promotes inspection and surveillance equipment products to meet the needs of the market. school.

If you need to use an x-ray machine to scan goods, luggage, or food, please contact us to get the products with the best prices. Matrixcope is a unit specializing in importing and constructing security systems, x-ray machines, detector gates, magnetic gates and high-tech projection equipment such as interactive screens and LED screens of many major brands in the world gender.